
HPS Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum temperature for air conditioning?

The general minimum temperature that Air-conditioning manufacturers allow is 16 Celsius on the controlling system.

What is the maximum temperature for air conditioning?

The general maximum temperature that Air-conditioning manufacturers allow is 30 Celsius on the controlling system.

I have a very small workshop, which gets hot in the summer but cold in the winter can you help?

The installation of an Air Source Heat Pump, can satisfy the demand for Cooling in the Summer and the same system can Heat in the Winter.

What’s the largest space you can air condition?

Auditoriums, Cinema complexes, Hospitals, Factory Production Areas, Small/Large Office Blocks

What’s the smallest space you can air condition?

A bedroom, Kitchen, Study, Small File Server Room, Comms Room

Is air conditioning better for hay fever?

Air-Conditioning units can facilitate in reducing pollen, but not completely remove it from the air.

Do you provide a service agreement with the installation?

A service /maintenance agreement can be set up with the installation company at the time of the installation.

How long does an installation take?

This can take between One and Twenty days, depending on the Size/Quantity of equipment.

What is the lead-time between ordering and installation?

This may take between One and Four weeks. This would be dependant on the Quantity and Complexity of the systems.

Do you need an external wall for the installation?

The Outdoor unit would need to be mounted normally outside on an external wall, or a flat roof area.

I have an office with ten rooms does this mean ten different air conditioning units?

For independent control of each office, it would mean ten indoor units, but could be coupled up to ONE outdoor unit on specially design systems.

Are air conditioning units noisy?

Many years ago, indoor units were quite noisy, today they can be whisper quiet.

Do I need planning permission to install air conditioning?

Most applications today do not require planning permission. But, it depends if the building is listed. (you can always check with your local Council planning department).

Can we phase in the air conditioning? One floor at a time?

This can be achieved during the initial planning and installation period.

Can I control the air conditioning in zones from a central point?

With modern technology, control systems can be installed to control multiple zones from one touch screen central controller/BMS.

Do I need to upgrade my electric supply for the air conditioning unit?

This would be solely dependant on the size of the equipment required, not normally.

Is it cheaper to upgrade my existing air conditioning than install from new?

Due to ever changing control systems, hardware and age of existing equipment, it would normally be cost effective to install from new.

How much does air conditioning cost to run on a weekly basis?

This would depend on size and quantity of equipment as well as the level of sophistication of the control systems used. When on the Heating cycle a system can be up to 300% efficient, i.e. for every kilowatt paid for, the heating output would be 3 kilowatts.